In the winter of 1850, Tamson English has been alone with three young children on the Western frontier for more than a year. Food is running short, and there is no sign of the settlers who should have relieved her months ago. Haunted by guilt over an extramarital affair, Tamson convinces herself that God has trapped her in the wilderness as a punishment for her sins. When she prays for a reprieve, an old friend appears at her door—but it’s hard to know whether his coming is a miracle or a curse.
MOUNTAIN LAW was honored with the 2020 Association for Mormon Letters Drama Award: “Mountain Law is an intimate look at the seemingly small life of a woman lost in the broad era of Mormon expansion in the American West…. [An] unflinching but thoughtful portrayal of … patient human lives…. Tamson’s story embodies what many Mormon women have endured and continue to endure as they traverse their personal paths of faith, and shows the fortitude and freedom they find along the way.” Read the full citation here.
MOUNTAIN LAW received a virtual reading August 14, 2020 as part of the inaugural Women’s Voices Play Festival at Mad Cow Theatre in Orlando, FL. The reading was directed by India Marie Paul and featured Brittany G. Halen as Tamson, Shonn McCloud as James and James Berkley as Howard. Dramaturgy by Meredith Bartmon; stage management by Cara Pfost. MOUNTAIN LAW was one of five new plays featured in the festival, and won second place overall in the festival awards.
“The special considerations to the wind are remarkable and help to set the tone of the play providing spatial attitude and rhythm. The juxtaposition of men in the time period is powerful: have we really changed? Have men really changed as much as we'd like to think they have? A very strong character arc for the lead female character, Tamson.” — Mad Cow Theatre Co., on the New Play Exchange
Emilie Starr as Tamson and Matthew Sincell as James in Plan-B Theatre's Script-in-Hand reading of MOUNTAIN LAW March 7, 2018.
MOUNTAIN LAW received a staged reading March 7, 2018 as part of Plan-B Theatre's annual Script-in-Hand series. The reading was directed by Morag Shepherd and featured Emilie Starr as Tamson, Matthew Sincell as James and Calbert Beck as Howard. Sound design and stage management by Joe Killian. Special thanks to dramaturgs Shelley T. Graham and Janine Sobeck Knighton and historian Brittany Chapman Nash.
“How do women survive the daily onslaught of white noise and isolation? MOUNTAIN LAW takes a relevant POV on the individual’s flexible relationship with faith in the light of hardship and changing circumstances. Tamson is clearly a devout woman but she learns to be unashamed of her fallible humanity. Howard is strict in his beliefs but not immovable. It’s a resonant reminder that faith isn’t a monolith. Melissa writes in a beautifully balanced mix of narrative and theatrical storytelling. She asks the audience to observe a time and place they may be viewing too narrowly.” — Meredith Bartmon, on the New Play Exchange
“MOUNTAIN LAW has gripping and lyrical language. It's a historical piece that lives in immediacy, which I find all great historical scrips must find a way to do. Larson also plays with time in space in beautiful and unexpected ways throughout the story, and gives us three vibrant and complex characters. Very well written, highly recommend!”
— Rachel Bublitz, on the New Play Exchange